

Sanitary Pad Distribution in Rural Areas of India by Woman Care Foundation

Menstrual health and hygiene are critical components of women’s health, yet they are often neglected in many parts of rural India. The lack of awareness, accessibility, and affordability of sanitary products forces many women to use unhygienic alternatives, leading to severe health issues. The Woman Care Foundation has been at the forefront of addressing these challenges through its sanitary pad distribution initiatives in rural areas. This article explores the foundation’s efforts, the impact of their work, and the ongoing challenges in promoting menstrual health.     

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Women’s Rights in India: Progress, Challenges, and the Way Forward


Women’s rights in India have been a topic of significant discourse and action over the years. Despite constitutional guarantees and numerous legal frameworks aimed at protecting and promoting the rights of women, the journey towards achieving true gender equality in India is still ongoing. This article explores the evolution of women’s rights in India, the current state of these rights, and the challenges and future directions for improving women’s status in society.

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Distribute Gifts and Grocery

On regular basis, WCF distributes Clothes, sweaters, toys, food, grocery items, books, stationary etc

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Old Age Care Centre

Organisation envisions a society where elderly (only females) have the right to an active, healty and dignified life.

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Health Checkups & Blood Donation

Conducting Health checkups and blood donation camps for the females living in slums and rural areas

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Free Education For Women And Children

Free education-NGO ensures that every girl and child in the remotest parts of India

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Free Ambulance and Medical Facilities

In a unique move, WCF has come to rescue of senior citizen females and underprivileged women to provide free ambulance and health services.

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Rescued A Foreign Girl

WCF had rescued a foreign girl and saved her life. A foreign girl namely Lussi Kem ( name changed) came to India last month to visit.

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Domestic seritude

Our NGO Womencare Foundation had rescued a woman namely Sonali (real name changed) r/o of Bangalore, who was forced into prostitution

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Case of Beating

A woman namely Sita (name change), was married with boy who beat her up after few days of their marriage.

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